BBC Complaints • 0843 254 8737 • Phone Number

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BBC complaints number:
0843 254 8737
Verified correct on: 11/05/2024

Call costs 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.


You can contact the BBC on 0843 254 8737 if you wish to complain about aspects of the service, especially programme content. There are also options to make contact via online form and email, and their website contains full information.

The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a public service broadcaster with a remit to provide an impartial public service broadcasting service in the UK.


Founded in 1922 and headquartered in the iconic Broadcasting House in central London, the BBC is the largest broadcaster in the world based on total number of employees with some 23,000 staff. The BBC is mostly funded by an annual licence fee payable by individuals and organisations who own equipment able to receive live television broadcasts.

The BBC made around a fifth of its 2012/13 income through the sales of certain top brand programming overseas and merchandising.

The corporation provides radio and television broadcasting services through its range of terrestrial and digital television channels, and national and local radio. The BBC broadcasts worldwide through its World Service.


Television: BBC1, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4, CBBC, CBeebies, BBC News Channel, BBC Parliament

Radio: Radio 1, 1Xtra, Radio 2, Radio 3, Radio 4, Radio 4 Extra, Radio Five Live, 6 Music, Asian Network, World Service.

'Catch up' television and radio: iPlayer

Services and products

A full range of television and radio programmes covering all subject types including:

Television: 'Top Gear,' 'Strictly Come Dancing,' 'Doctor Who,' 'BBC News.'

Radio: 'The Archers,' 'The News Quiz,' 'Today,' 'Front Row.'

Online services: the BBC website contains considerable resources based on its programming subject matter.

Making a complaint

Contact the BBC on 0843 254 8737 (24 hours charged as a 01/02 geographic number) to make a complaint about content broadcast either on television, radio, published on the website or printed in a BBC owned print publication. You should complain within 30 days of broadcast or publication of the item in question.

The complaints section is easily accessed through the 'Contact Us' section on the homepage of the BBC website. Other contact options such as online and through the post are given.

There is comprehensive information about complaints procedures, how the BBC will deal with your complaint and a link to the BBC Trust if your complaint should be directed there.

The BBC say they receive approaching 1 million communications each year about their programming of which some 250,000 are complaints.

If you are not satisfied with the BBC's response to your complaint, you can contact the industry regulator Ofcom (details below).

Issues regarding on demand television can be made to ATVOD (Authority for Television On Demand) — details below.

Useful Information

Complaints Tel: 0843 254 8737

Correspondence Address
BBC Complaints
PO Box 1922

ATVOD (Authority for Television On Demand):

BBC complaints number:
0843 254 8737
Verified -

Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

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