E.ON Complaints • 0843 254 9077 • Phone Number

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E.ON complaints number:
0843 254 9077
Verified correct on: 11/05/2024

Call costs 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.


In common with other energy companies, E.ON have a comprehensive complaints procedure in place as required by the industry regulator Ofgem. This includes a complaints telephone line 0843 254 9077 which is the first step in registering a complaint to the company.

German-owned E.ON (formerly Powergen) is the largest investor owned energy company with some 5.3 million customers and 12,000 employees in the UK.


E.ON divide their business into four main areas of activity.

Energy Solutions - the supply of electricity and gas to domestic and business customers. E.ON also promotes energy efficiency with advice and help in insulating homes and using energy wisely.

Generation - E.ON is fully committed to a programme of power generation using traditional measures such as coal-fired power stations. They are also committed to using renewable sources such as wind and water, biomass and have built a number of CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plants that are far more efficient than older power plant types.

Climate and renewable - a full commitment to developing methods such as wind power and water turbine methods and biomass (the use of renewable materials such as crops as fuel for power stations).

Gas storage - with the UK now a net importer of gas, effective facilities for storing large volumes of gas are growing in importance and E.ON is developing and seeking out gas storage options.

Services and Products

Energy services

The provision of gas and electricity to homes and business premises in the UK.

Making a complaint

The complaints section is quickly accessed from the home page of the E.ON website. The full complaints procedure is described, and starts with a call to the complaints line on 0843 254 9077. If this does not resolve the situation, then email and/or postal correspondence is your next step.

Following this, E.ON should keep you fully informed of the progress of the complaint and a swift (within a few days unless under special circumstances that would be advised upon) resolution to your complaint offered.

There are full details of how E.ON has performed with their complaint handling/resolution through reports downloadable from the website.

If a complaint still cannot be resolved, the next stage is to consult the Ombudsman services for energy (contact details below). 

Customers should be aware that they MUST follow E.ON’s complaints procedure as detailed BEFORE contacting the Ombudsman: Energy service.

Useful Information

Website: www.eonenergy.com
Complaints Tel: 0843 254 9077

Correspondence Address:
Customer Service Centre
PO Box 7750

Ombudsman Services: Energy

PO Box 966

Email: enquiries@os-energy.org
Website: os-energy.org

E.ON complaints number:
0843 254 9077
Verified -

Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

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E.ON to Pay £12m Fine for Mis-selling 16th May 2014

E.ON to Pay £12m Fine for Mis-selling

E.ON, one of the country's "Big Six" Energy firms have been fined a record £12m, the largest single penalty to date by the energy regulator Ofgem. This fine comes after an investigation discovered poor phone and door-to-door selling practices. The final bill for E.ON could reach as much as £20m with compensation payments likely to reach £8m added to the imposed £12m penalty.

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